Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Acapella is absolutely beautiful.

check out the paper raincoats- rewind.

i've actually had this thought in my head for some time night, but a yesterday my friend revived my old thoughts of becoming a hobo rapper.

if i don't get into the college of my choice i'm going to become a rags to riches RAPPER!
on the streets, droppin a beat.

i think it'll be pretty awesome.

writing in my journal raps about each day, the hardships i face, the obstacles i overcome, the love of life, music, just raps and songs about anything.. and then it'll be a book of raps by Amy Lee.

How awesome would that be right?! :D

i also think a physicist, a neurologist, and a scientist and mathemagican can build a time machine!

here's my fine idea:

build a contraption that reads the human mind and displays the visions the person saw through their entire life time.

scan everyone's brain and categorize the places, things said, materials used, time period.

thennn put it alll together to form one giant morph hole history..

then send a a dog through with a camera strapped to it..

time travel will be hard especially since we cannot be seen...

anyways enoF of my daydream.. back into reality.